Lisa Alzo, M.F.A. began with IIGS in 2003 when she developed the Eastern European Certificate program. She currently hosts the Virtual Meetings for the various courses in the certificate program.
Lisa specializes in Eastern European Records, primarily Slovakia, and genealogical writing.
Her genealogical journey began by accident while she was in the second year of her M.F.A. in Nonfiction Writing. She had enrolled in a class about the Literature of Pittsburgh in which Thomas Bell’s book, “Out of This Furnace” was required reading. The book sparked Lisa’s interest in her family history which prompted her to ask her mother about their ancestors. Lisa’s research into her family became her thesis and her book, “Three Slovak Woman” was born.
Lisa has been researching and writing genealogical books since 1991! She is the author of 10 books, contributes to several genealogical magazines, gives lectures, and facilitates online courses.
When Lisa isn’t working, she can be found writing or going for long walks. She spends as much time as she can with her extended family as she can.
Lisa’s blog is: www.theaccidentalgenealogist.com
International Institute of Genealogical Studies
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